Coach Steph Roach
Steph has been involved in fitness for 10 years. She has helped pave the way for adaptive athletes to be able to compete in functional fitness competitions and has also helped shape the world’s perspective of what it means to be a fitness coach living with Cerebral Palsy. Steph is sponsored by Nike and uses that opportunity and platform to make a difference for those in the adaptive community.
As the owner of Hammer Driven Fitness (2018-2020), a 5000 sqft. fitness facility in NC, Steph learned the importance of fostering a community based around everyday people and their successes. She has always understood that not everyone feels comfortable in a competitive environment and that most people are looking to pay attention to their health so they can live longer and experience all the beautiful things life has to offer.
As a cancer survivor as well, Steph understands the importance of living in the moment and making the most of current situations. Choosing to stay the course and stay driven was the only logical option. When one door closes a situation has the potential to turn into an opportunity and that’s how Staying Driven was able to breathe life.
Steph saw a need for a greater community regardless of location so, Staying Driven answered that call.
CFL1 & 2-Trainer
Aerobic Capacity
Adaptive Training Academy

Coach Brad Marshall
Brad is a Human Performance Coach who has worked with athletes, soldiers, first responders, and corporate employees to develop and implement mental skills and mindset training to reach the next level in their respective fields. He was a two sport athlete, competing in football and baseball at the Division III level collegiately. Brad then went on to earn a masters degree in Sport Psychology. He is a Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, and is passionate about working with people to support them in reaching their goals and breaking down mental barriers both in and out of the gym.
I started working with adaptive athletes in the staying driven community to bring my passion for helping people virtual! I’ve learned so much about how to safely and effectively provide a great opportunity for any athlete to move and challenge themselves each day.
Coach Paul Gustafson
Coach Paul Gustafson is coming to you from Saskatchewan, CA. Growing up he was extremely active and played a variety of sports, including hockey, fastball, and swimming. He has always enjoyed being active. Following his spinal cord injury at the age of 17, he began living a new normal as a C5-6 quadriplegic.
Ignoring his competitive nature was not an option so, soon after adjusting to his new way of life he became active in the wheelchair sports community; participating in alpine skiing, water skiing, tennis and sledge hockey. After finding a passion for competition, Paul went on to play Wheelchair Rugby for the national and provincial wheelchair rugby teams for many years.
Paul now conducts an Adapted Physical Activity class at the University of Saskatchewan. His free time is filled with activities like hand-cycling, kayaking, and enjoying the outdoors with his family.
When the "Stay At Home" orders were placed on the world in 2020 Paul was looking for an outlet and discovered Staying Driven LLC. As an adaptive athlete himself, Paul knew the benefits of functional fitness and staying active. Staying Driven was a perfect fit. Paul attended the daily classes soon finding himself wanting more and looking for ways to give back to the Staying Driven community. Becoming a Staying Driven coach answered that call.

Coach Angelique Lele
Angelique is a yoga teacher, actor, and dancer. She has been doing yoga in one form or another since she was little. Her father, who is from India, had to do 10 sun salutations before breakfast as a child so part of what he taught her as she was growing up, in Michigan, were the yoga poses he learned. She was reintroduced to the practice of yoga in 2002 while living in Santa Monica, CA, really she just wanted to increase her flexibility for aerial, and was hooked. In 2007 She received her 200hr certificate from the Center for Yoga in Michigan with Jonny Kest and has been teaching ever since. Jonny always said, it doesn’t matter why you come to yoga, everyone comes for different reasons, if you do it like it’s taught everyone leaves with the same thing, eventually, Uppeka (mental calmness). That would become so important later when life took a sharp turn.
She moved to Minneapolis in 2008 and built a small but loyal family of students there. While training, a trapeze accident paralyzed her (@L2) and landed her in a wheelchair in 2012. She resumed teaching yoga within 2 months thanks to that loyal family of students and it helped her move forward in her recovery as did performing again through the world of integrative dance. Named Ms. Wheelchair Minnesota 2015, she also worked to be an advocate for the disabled community.
More importantly Angelique was introduced to Matthew Sanford from MindBodySolutions who showed her that yoga was still accessible for her and taught her how to make yoga accessible for others who needed it. She has taken MBS’s Level I/II Intensive twice (to make sure it stuck) and continues to study with Matt.
She dreams of a completely accessible world where the population at large sees those with disabilities as the whole, attractive, powerful, beings we are!
Coach Bobby Rohan
Coach Bobby Rohan was an all-American swimmer and training for triathlons and cycling races when he was cut off by another car and ran into a back of the bus while training in 1989. At the young age of 17 Bobby was driven into a new life as a C5/6 quadriplegic where he pledged to himself this would not slow him down. Two years after his accident Bobby was back to playing sports and competing again in Quad Rugby, wheelchair over the line, 5 and 10k also loved to go out and snow ski, water ski, skydiving and wheelchair tennis. Bobby competed in Quad rugby for 25 years playing for the Northridge Knights and Loma Linda Crown but now finds his time staying in shape coaching, pushing along the beach side and Wheelchair fitness to stay in shape.
He is supervisor in the peer mentoring program “KnowBarriers” at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital Rehabilitation Center bringing in 25 years a peer mentoring experience, seasoned Toastmaster, and serves on the board of directors for Triumph Foundation. Bobby lives in Orange County California with his wife of 17 years and their daughter Melody.

Still have questions? Shoot us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! We can't wait to have YOU as part of our community!